Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ___________________________________________________________ 1 2. Existing Environment ___________________________________________________ 3 2.1 Introduction 3 2.2 Cultural Landscape 5 2.3 Environmental Setting 5 2.4 Existing and Consented Mining Activities 7 2.5 Zoning 12 2.6 Land Ownership and Dwellings 12 2.7 Landscape Context 15 2.8 Road Transport Network 15 2.9 Noise 17 2.10 Historic Heritage 17 2.11 Terrestrial Ecology 18 2.12 Geology 19 2.13 Hydrogeology 20 2.14 Hydrology 20 2.15 Aquatic Ecology 23 2.16 Water Resource Users 25 2.17 Recreation Values 25 2.18 Meteorology and Air Quality 25 3. Project Description____________________________________________________ 27 3.1 Overview 27 3.2 Preparatory Works 28 3.3 Northern Rock Stack Construction 32 3.4 New Magazines 33 3.5 Storage and Use of Hazardous Substances 33 3.6 Closure and Rehabilitation 35 3.7 Hours of Work 36 3.8 Earthmoving Equipment 37 3.9 Lighting 37 4. Resource Consents Required____________________________________________ 38 4.1 Hauraki District Council 38 4.2 Waikato Regional Council 41 5. Assessment of Effects _________________________________________________ 48 5.1 Introduction 48 5.2 Permitted Baseline 48 5.3 Landscape, Visual Amenity and Natural Character Effects 49 5.4 Geotechnical Matters and Natural Hazards 51 5.5 Geochemistry and Acid Rock Drainage 51 5.6 Water 52 5.7 Effects on Aquatic Ecology 54