B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 184 rural landscape character of the zone and adverse effects of the activity on the environment or on the amenities of neighbours will be avoided, remedied or mitigated while providing for the utilisation of an identified mineral resource. Indigenous Biodiversity and Significant Natural Areas The objectives and associated policies in Section 6.2 of the HDP seek the following outcomes: the protection of significant natural areas for the purpose of maintaining and enhancing their intrinsic, cultural and amenity values;251 the maintenance and enhancement of the life-supporting capacity of ecosystems, the mauri of natural resources and the extent and representativeness of indigenous biodiversity;252 and the promotion of greater public awareness, support for and involvement in the protection and enhancement of significant indigenous vegetation and significant habitats of indigenous fauna.253 The evaluation with respect to Section and of the RPS is relevant to this evaluation under the HDP. Of the conclusions reached in those sections, the life-supporting capacity of ecosystems and the extent and representativeness of indigenous biodiversity will be maintained. Riparian Margins and Esplanade Reserves Objectives 1 and 2 of Section 7.3 of the HDP relate to the management of public access to waterbodies, and seek the following outcomes: sustainably manage the margins of waterbodies to maintain or enhance natural character, indigenous biodiversity, water quality, and aquatic and adjoining terrestrial habitats;254 and the maintenance and enhancement of public access to the margins of waterbodies in a manner that is compatible with the preservation of conservation values and does not unreasonably interfere with the landowner’s ability to use and enjoy the land.255 251 Objective 1, Section 6.2, Hauraki District Plan. 252 Objective 2, Section 6.2, Hauraki District Plan. 253 Objective 3, Section 6.2, Hauraki District Plan. 254 Objective 1, Section 7.3, Hauraki District Plan. 255 Objective 2, Section 7.3, Hauraki District Plan.