Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 182 further away from the nearest receivers. As blasting progresses and distance from the sensitive receivers increases, so too will the explosive weights used; The mining of the GOP will change the existing vibration environment for only a small, isolated area at the eastern end of Moore and Clarke Streets and Boyd Road. The location of the GOP virtually eliminates any combined effects from the existing Martha underground blasting or other blasting at the Martha open pit when this recommences; and The envelope of vibration effects from the GOP is estimated to be approximately 50 properties, most of which will be subjected to low and marginally perceptible levels of vibration. With the above measures (and those in Section 6) in place, the amenity values of the surrounding community will be protected and maintained. Rural Zone A portion of Area 5 is located within the Rural Zone. There are four objectives for this zone, which collectively seek that: a range of compatible rural land use activities can be undertaken, which benefit from the productive potential, location and rural character of the zone;236 the open rural landscape character of the zone is preserved and enhanced;237 provide for further investigation and utilisation of mining resources;238 and adverse effects of land use activity on the environment or on the amenities of neighbours is avoided, remedied or mitigated.239 Key directives arising from the objectives relate to: ensuring that land with high productive capability is available for such use;240 ensuring the amenity values of a predominantly open rural character and the productive use of the land is maintained and that buildings do not detract from the open rural character values of the Rural Zone;241 236 Objective 1, Section 5.1.2, Hauraki District Plan. 237 Objective 2, Section 5.1.2, Hauraki District Plan. 238 Objective 3, Section 5.1.2, Hauraki District Plan. 239 Objective 4, Section 5.1.2, Hauraki District Plan. 240 Policy (1)(a)(i) and (ii), Section 5.1.2, Hauraki District Plan. 241 Policy (1)(a)(iii) and Policy (2)(a)(i), Section 5.1.2, Hauraki District Plan.