B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 181 Each is addressed below. The effects of the wider WNP on the transportation network are addressed at a project wide scale within the Overarching AEE. Martha Mineral Zone Area 5 is partially located within the Martha Mineral Zone. The sustainable utilisation of mineral resources is the key outcome for this zone. Associated policies seek to achieve this outcome by: recognising the development and processing areas of the mine, its ongoing rehabilitation and likely long term uses;233 provide for the social, economic and cultural wellbeing of the community and their health and safety;234 and ensuring amenity values of Waihi and the wider community are protected.235 Mining activities, including ancillary activities such as the WTP, PP, GOP TSP and rock stacks are clearly anticipated within this zone. The activities within Area 5 forms part of the wider WNP project. Sections 7.2 and 7.3 of the Overarching AEE provide an assessment of the social and economic effects (respectively) of the project and how it will support the social and economic wellbeing of the community. OGNZL continues to work with tangata whenua regarding cultural effects and how the project can best provide for cultural wellbeing. The amenity values of the Waihi area and wider community are discussed with respect to noise, landscape values, air quality and vibration in Section 5 of this AEE. Of particular note however: Noise associated with the construction of the GOP is predicted to be within normal construction noise limits at the closest residential dwellings. Operational noise within the GOP is predicted to exceed 50 dB LAeq however, at approximately 27 dwellings located on Moore Street, Barry Road and George Street. To mitigate potential adverse noise effects, an acoustic assessment of these dwellings will be undertaken, and acoustic treatment will be provided as necessary to achieve an appropriate internal noise environment, as discussed in Section 6; Blasting is scheduled for 6 years, with completion of the lower limits of the pit in 2029. Commencing with the upper pit rim, blasting will progress downwards and thus move 233 Policy (a)(i), Section 5.17, Hauraki District Plan. 234 Policy (a)(ii), Section 5.17, Hauraki District Plan. 235 Policy (a)(iii), Section 5.17, Hauraki District Plan.