B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 179 do not generate adverse effects on air quality that are inconsistent with air quality objectives in Section 6.1.2;224 and avoid significant adverse effects and remedy or mitigate adverse effects on the relationship that tangata whenua as Kaitiaki have with their identified taonga.225 Area 5 has historically been used and occupied by HAIL activities, as detailed in Section 4 of this AEE. All soil disturbance activities undertaken within the identified HAIL areas will be managed in accordance with a SMP as recommended by WWLA (2022). As set out in WWLA (2022) report, with the SMP in place, it is anticipated that the potential risk to human health and the environment will be appropriately managed in accordance with this objective. On closure of the mine, Area 5 will be rehabilitated in line with the Rehabilitation and Closure Plan. While it is anticipated that this land will be suitably reverted back to pastoral use the Rehabilitation and Closure Plan conditions require that the soils be managed such that they are unlikely to pose a significant risk to human health. This will be informed by future monitoring and site investigations on site. In light of the above, discharges of contaminants from contaminated land within the site will therefore be managed so they do not present significant risk to human health, flora or fauna due to the contamination of soil and ground or surface water, do not have adverse effects on water quality or aquatic ecosystems, do not generate adverse effects on air quality that are inconsistent with air quality objectives. As previously noted, OGNZL continues to work with tangata whenua regarding cultural effects and how the project can best accommodate and provide for their relationship with identified taonga. This is considered further in Section 5 of the Overarching AEE. Air Quality There are three objectives in Section 6.1.2 of the WRP relating to the management of air quality. They seek: the significant characteristics of air quality are either protected, enhanced or maintained;226 no significant adverse effects from individual site sources on the characteristics of air quality beyond the property boundary;227 and 224 Objective 5.3.2(c), Section 5.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 225 Objective 5.3.2(d) and (e), Section 5.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 226 Objective 1, Section 6.1.2, Waikato Regional Plan. 227 Objective 2, Section 6.1.2, Waikato Regional Plan.