B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 173 The above objective is implemented by Policy 1 which manages the effects of drilling (and any associated discharges) in a manner that avoids significant adverse effects on the quality of groundwater, surface water and soils from: contamination by drilling fluid;177 contamination of ground water by contaminants in surface water;178 mixing of previously isolated aquifers;179 loss of aquifer pressure/level;180 disturbance of waahi tapu and other identified sites of significance to tangata whenua as kaitiaki;181 and inappropriate drilling in geothermal systems.182 Drilling is proposed in Area 5 for exploration, geotechnical, dewatering and blasting purposes. The proposed drilling activities will be occurring in an area that is already partially dewatered in association with OGNZL’s existing mining operations. While drilling will allow for further dewatering which will have localised effects on the aquifer drawdown, such effects will not result in significant adverse effects associated with mixing of previously isolated aquifers or a loss of aquifer pressure. 183 The drilling will not involve the drilling of any geothermal systems. OGNZL continues to work with tangata whenua regarding cultural effects and how the project can best accommodate and provide for their relationship with identified taonga. This is considered further in Section 5 of the Overarching AEE. Drilling activities within Area 5 are therefore generally consistent with the outcomes sought in Objective 3.8.2 and the associated directives in Policy 1. 177 Policy 1(a), Section 3.8, Waikato Regional Plan. 178 Policy 1(b), Section 3.8, Waikato Regional Plan. 179 Policy 1(c), Section 3.8, Waikato Regional Plan. 180 Policy 1(d), Section 3.8, Waikato Regional Plan. 181 Policy 1(e), Section 3.8, Waikato Regional Plan. 182 Policy 1(f), Section 3.8, Waikato Regional Plan. 183 Objective 3.8.2(a) and (b) and Policy 1 (b) and (c), Section 3.8, Waikato Regional Plan.