B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 171 The effects of damming water within the in-pit TSF and diverting ground surface water from the base of the GOP and groundwater from the in-pit TSF on ground and surface water allocation is considered with respect to Policy 8.6 of the RPS at section of this statutory evaluation.164 The renewal of existing permits165 associated with damming and diversion of water around the Waihi SFA, the stormwater contingency ponds and the WTP collection pond will all be undertaken in accordance with the existing conditions and limitations imposed by those consents. Monitoring associated with these activities confirms that these management responses are appropriate and will ensure the outcomes sought with respect to the aforementioned provisions are achieved. Overall, the damming and diversion activities associated with Area 5 will achieve the outcomes sought by these provisions. Wetlands Section 3.7 specifically manages wetlands. Of particular note is Policy 1,166 which seeks to ensure that land drainage activities within or immediately adjacent to wetlands identified as areas of significant indigenous vegetation or habitats of indigenous fauna are undertaken in a manner which avoids changes in water levels that result in: shrinking or loss of the wetland, or accelerated dewatering and oxidation, or significant adverse effects on tangata whenua values of the wetland, or adverse effects of flooding on neighbouring properties, or significant adverse effects on the relationship tangata whenua as Kaitiaki have with the wetland, or adverse effects on the natural character of wetlands; or adverse effects on the ability to use the wetlands for recreational purposes and remedy or mitigate otherwise. In accordance with the directives of this policy: a reduction in source volume of surface water runoff, interflow and groundwater recharge is expected from the loss of a portion of the Gladstone gully headwater. This results in only minor changes to the wetland water balance under drought conditions 164 Objective 3.6.2(g), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan. 165 Permits 9713116 to 17 and 109743. 166 Policy 1, Section 3.7, Waikato Regional Plan.