B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 168 does not have adverse effects that are inconsistent with the water management objectives in Section 3.1.2;144 does not have adverse effects that are inconsistent with the discharges onto or into land objectives in Section 5.2.2;145 and ensures that decisions regarding the discharge of contaminants to water do not reduce the contaminant assimilative capacity of the water body to the extent that allocable flows as provided for in Chapter 3.3 are unable to be utilised for out of stream uses.146 Policy 2 of Section 3.5.3 follows a similar theme as Objective 3.5.2 and seeks that discharges that generate a more than minor adverse effects on surface waterbodies that are inconsistent with the policies in Section 3.2.3 of the WRP are avoided, as far as practicable, and otherwise remedied or mitigated. Likewise, it seeks that the discharges do not cause significant adverse effects from flooding, erosion or downstream siltation. Policy 5 of Section 3.5.3 is specific to discharges into land and seeks that the adverse effects of those discharges on groundwater quality be minimised by ensuring that they do not compromise existing or reasonably foreseeable uses of groundwater, and avoid, as far as practicable, adverse effects on surface waterbodies that are inconsistent with the policies in Section 3.2.3 of the WRP (and otherwise, remedy or mitigate those effects). Sections 5.10, 5.11, 5.13, 5.14 and of this AEE consider the effects of discharges in accordance with the objectives set out in Sections 3.1.2 and 5.2.147 Section 7.1 of GHD (2022b) concludes that the effects of GOP groundwater discharges on the quality of the receiving environment are “predicted to be negligible and within the RWQC”. Section 5.13 of this AEE notes the absence of evidence that discharges from the WTP to the Ohinemuri River have caused adverse effects and are appropriate to be maintained, with appropriate additional conditions of consent to further inform the management of discharges. Consequently, the activities in Area 5 are not anticipated to compromise the assimilative capacity of the receiving waters.148 As set out in Sections 5.5.5, 5.13 and 5.14 of this AEE, the discharges to water are not expected to give rise to adverse flooding, erosion or downstream siltation effects.149 144 Objective 3.5.2(a), Waikato Regional Plan. 145 Objective 3.5.2(b), Waikato Regional Plan. 146 Objective 3.5.2(c), Waikato Regional Plan. 147 Objective 3.5.2(a) and (b), Waikato Regional Plan. 148 Objective 3.5.2(c), Waikato Regional Plan. 149 Policy 2(b) and (c), Waikato Regional Plan.