Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 164 o there are no registered groundwater users within the zone of influence nor in alignment with the Gladstone vein system extending to the southwest of the GOP, therefore no adverse effects on groundwater users are expected as a result of dewatering within the GOP;111 o the nearest surface water user is located approximately 10 km downstream. No surface water flow or water quality reductions will arise as a result of dewatering of the GOP;112 and o the review of the WTP discharge limits will ensure improvements in the wastewater discharge quality will occur if catchment-wide water quality improvements are required as a result of the evolution of the freshwater planning framework, particularly for the attribute states described in the NPSFM.113 As noted with respect to Policy 11 of the NPSFM, the diversion of ground water associated with the GOP ensures the water remains within the same catchment and will not impact on the allocation status of the catchment114 While a surface water take is required from the GOP, this relates to water ponding within this area and will be similarly diverted, via the WTP, to the Ohinemuri River, comprising a zero net take; As described in Section 5.14 of this AEE, the discharges of sediment from sediment retention and collection ponds and seepage of leachate to groundwater (subsequently surface water) from the GOP will not generate significant adverse effects on aquatic ecosystems nor will it affect the reasonably foreseeable range of groundwater and surface water uses; 115 As described in Section 5.13, the renewal of existing discharge permits116 and the replacement consents117 will all be undertaken in accordance with the existing conditions and limitations imposed by those consents. Monitoring over the term of these consents has demonstrated that such activities do not generate significant adverse effects on aquatic ecosystems or groundwater and surface water users;118 The Gladstone Wetland is located within Area 5. For the reasons set out in Section with respect to Policy 6 of the NPSFM, the proposal will support an increase in the extent and quality of the Gladstone Wetland. ;119 111 Objective 3.1.2(f), Section 3.1, Waikato Regional Plan. 112 Objective 3.1.2(f), Section 3.1, Waikato Regional Plan. 113 Objective 3.1.2(b) and (o), Section 3.1, Waikato Regional Plan. 114 Objective 3.1.2(g) and (e), Section 3.1, Waikato Regional Plan. 115 Objective 3.1.2(c) and (f), Section 3.1, Waikato Regional Plan. 116 Permits 971313 to 971320 and 109743. 117 Permits 971295 and 109744. 118 Objective 3.1.2(c) and (f), Section 3.1, Waikato Regional Plan. 119 Objective 3.1.2 (h), Section 3.1, Waikato Regional Plan.