B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 163 with respect to concentrations of contaminants leaching from land use activities and non-point source discharges to shallow ground water and surface waters, not reach levels that present significant risks to human health or aquatic ecosystems;106 and recognise the positive effects of water resource use activities and associated existing lawfully established infrastructure, while avoiding, remedying or mitigating adverse effects on the environment.107 Of particular relevance to this objective: The Area 5 forms part of the wider WNP. As set out in Section 7.2 of the Overarching AEE, the WNP will result in an expansion to OGNZL’s mining operations and will extend the life of the mine for another six years, to at least 2036. The project will generate $626 million of additional capital investment, to unlock $3.4 billion of additional silver and gold exports and will provide over 300 additional well-paid jobs directly at the mine and over 1000 additional indirect jobs among suppliers and wider community. The taking and use of water associated with activities within Area 5 will therefore support the ongoing economic and social wellbeing of the community;108 Sections 5.11, 5.13 and 5.14 of this AEE describe the water quality effects arising from activities within Area 5. As noted in that assessment: o conservatively, shallow groundwater quality associated with the proposed GOP TSF is predicted to result in an increase in the concentration of iron and mercury within the shallow groundwater, exceeding the receiving water quality criteria. The water quality modelling did not however, allow for attenuation of key contaminants within aquifer materials during groundwater flow. As observed in other mine areas on site, trace metal contaminants are expected to have a strong affinity for binding to clay minerals within the shallow aquifer and iron minerals within the deeper aquifer. These adsorption processes significantly attenuate contaminant migration in groundwater. As noted in Section 5.11.2 of this AEE, the adverse effects of the TSF discharge on the Ohinemuri River are predicted to be negligible and within receiving water quality criteria;109 o the water quality assessment also considered dilution of the flux of potential contaminants from the GOP TSF within the Ohinemuri River, with the impact to the river predicted to be negligible;110 106 Objective 3.1.2(o), Section 3.1, Waikato Regional Plan. 107 Objective 3.1.2(p), Section 3.1, Waikato Regional Plan. 108 Objective 3.1.2 (a), Section 3.1 Waikato Regional Plan. 109 Objective 3.1.2(o), Section 3.1, Waikato Regional Plan. 110 Objective 3.1.2(b) and (o), Section 3.1, Waikato Regional Plan.