Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 159 suitably rehabilitated after closure of the mining activities. Confirmation of the appropriate future land use activities enabled on the site will be informed by future monitoring and onsite investigations.85 In light of the above, discharges of contaminants from contaminated land within the site will therefore be managed so they do not present significant risk to human health, flora or fauna due to the contamination of soil and ground or surface water, do not have adverse effects on water quality or aquatic ecosystems, or do not generate adverse effects on air quality that are inconsistent with air quality objectives. As previously noted, OGNZL continues to work with tangata whenua regarding cultural effects and how the project can best accommodate and provide for their relationship with identified taonga. This is considered further in Section 5 of the Overarching AEE. Overall Conclusion Overall, it is concluded that the activities proposed within Area 5 can be undertaken in a manner that enables the objectives and policies of the RPS identified above to continue to be met. 7.6 REGIONAL AND DISTRICT PLANS 7.6.1 Waikato Regional Plan The WRP contains objectives, policies, methods and rules relating to the management of natural and physical resources of the Waikato Region. The WRP addresses the following topics of relevance to Area 5 sub-unit: water – including provisions which address recent national policy direction, water takes, efficient use, discharges to water, and the damming and diversion of water; riverbeds – including provisions relating to the erection and use of structures; land and soil – including provisions which address works in high risk erosion areas, and discharges onto or into land; and air – including the management of dust and other discharges of contaminants to air. OGNZL continues to work with tangata whenua regarding the effects of the project on cultural values. Provisions within the WRP regarding cultural values have been assessed within Section 9 of the Overarching AEE. 85 Policy 14.1(c), Waikato Regional Policy Statement.