Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 156 of the site following closure includes reinstatement of surface water flows. Such outcomes ensure any potential adverse natural character effects are not significant or inappropriate in this modified rural context;68 The potential visual effects associated with the GOP and subsequent tailings storage are relatively limited. Visual effects will be well contained and primarily occur from adjoining areas which observe Gladstone Hill in the context of the existing Processing Plant. Potential wider views of landform changes associated with the extension of mining activities will remain largely obscured by intervening landforms, including Winner Hill and Union Hill;69 Following closure of the GOP, the land surrounding the pit will be returned to pasture and native shrub. This will soften the appearance of the landform modification and assimilate it with the surrounding environment, limiting the potential for long term landscape character and visual effects;70 and The WTP and Processing Plant upgrades will remain contained within the context of an established and operating processing plant. In this context, the potential for any landscape and visual effects beyond the immediate site context remains very limited.71 In this context, the activities within Area 5 are not considered inappropriate within the surrounding modified rural environment and have been configured to ensure no significant adverse effects on landscape values, natural character and amenity. The landscape elements that contribute to amenity values and the quality of the environment will be maintained and enhanced through the duration and completion of the project. 72 Public Access Objective 3.23 and associated policies73 of the RPS seeks that public access to, and along, lakes and rivers is maintained and enhanced. Objective 3.16(a) seeks the same outcome in respect of riparian areas and wetlands. The activities proposed within Area 5 will not result in any new impediments to public access along the Ohinemuri River or the Gladstone Wetland. The surrounding land is currently held in private ownership. No change is proposed to this access arrangement. Accordingly, access to and along rivers and their margins will be maintained as per current conditions. 68 Objective 3.22 and Policy 12.2(c) and (d), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 69 Policy 12.3, Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 70 Policy 12.3, Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 71 Policy 12.2, Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 72 Policy 12.3, Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 73 Policies 12.4 and 12.5, Waikato Regional Policy Statement.