B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 154 promote positive indigenous biodiversity outcomes to maintain the full range of ecosystem types and maintain or enhance their spatial extent as necessary to achieve healthy ecological functioning of ecosystems;56 and significant indigenous vegetation and the significant habitats of indigenous fauna should be protected by ensuring the characteristics that contribute to its significance are not adversely affected to the extent that the significance of the vegetation or habitat is reduced.57 Consistent with the outcomes sought by Objective 3.19 and the directives of Policies 11.1 and 11.2: as assessed in Section 5.15 of this AEE, the removal of approximately 1.4 ha of moderate value planted and remnant (rocky hilltop) vegetation and habitat and 5.1 ha of low value pine plantation will result in a low level adverse effect. Under EIANZ guidance, low level adverse effects do not require mitigation of offsetting;58 while loss of native vegetation is assessed as being a very low level effect, this loss will be mitigated by replanting of a comparable area and value of vegetation, including to the west of Gladstone Hill. This planting will also enhance ecological connectivity and ecological buffers;59 due to the presence of copper skink (“At Risk”), the vegetation is considered “significant” in terms of section 6(c) of the RMA and RPS;60 to mitigate the potential effects on indigenous fauna and ensure they are appropriately protected (as required by the Wildlife Act 1953), conditions will be imposed on the consent to ensure that: o vegetation clearance will be managed to avoid removal during the main bird breeding season (where practicable) or vegetation removal will be preceded by nesting surveys to ascertain whether any nesting native birds have fledged; o vegetation disturbance will also be undertaken in accordance with a Lizard Management Plan; and o preclearance bat surveys will be undertaken, as per DOC Guidelines, where vegetation removal involves the removal of large trees. If bats are detected, the DOC Guidelines will be applied to inform the pathway forward; 56 Policy 11.1, Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 57 Policy 11.2, Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 58 Policy 11.1, Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 59 Policy 11.1, Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 60 Policy 11.2, Waikato Regional Policy Statement.