Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 153 use and development should be managed to give recognition to historic and cultural heritage and to integrate it with development where appropriate.55 The provisions of the RPS regarding the relationship of tangata whenua with their cultural heritage are addressed in Section 5 of the Overarching AEE. With respect to historic heritage, it is noted that most of the methods place the onus on local authorities to give effect to the identified objectives and policies via the amendment and updating of their district plans. That said, Section 5.9 of this AEE notes that activities within Area 5 will affect three registered archaeological sites as follows: the GOP will affect and remove part of the Winner Hill gold mining complex and pre1900 historic workings (T13/820); the GOP will affect and remove part of the Gladstone Hill gold mining complex and pre-1900 workings (T13/821); and a small section of the Lower Level Water Race (T13/817) will be affected and removed by the proposed southern stockpile associated with the GOP. Harvesting of mature pine trees on the southern extent of Winner Hill may also impact on the Low Level Water Race (T13/817). In addition to the above, it is anticipated that further, unregistered archaeological remnants relating to mining activities will be discovered in this area during construction of the GOP. An archaeological authority will be applied for to cover the entire GOP site before any works commence within this area. This authority will cover works within the above identified archaeological sites, as well as accidental discovery of further pre-1900 artefacts that may be found within the wider GOP site. Undertaking the works in accordance with an archaeological authority will ensure all heritage features on site are identified, research and their values recorded, thus protecting the identity and history known of these features. For completeness, the activities occurring within Area 5 are not considered inappropriate when regard is given to the matters set out in Method 10.3.2. Indigenous biodiversity Objective 3.19 seeks that the full range of ecosystem types, their extent and the indigenous biodiversity that those ecosystems can support, exists in a healthy and functional state. The key policies that seek to implement Objective 3.19, as relevant to Area 5, are Policies 11.1 and 11.2. They direct the following: 55 Policy 10.3, Waikato Regional Policy Statement.