B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 152 indigenous biodiversity, cultural values and the quality and extent of riparian and wetland habitat.48 Risks from natural hazards are also required to be effectively managed. Key points relevant to the achievement of this objective for Area 5are: for the reasons set out in Section below, the amenity values of riparian areas will be maintained or enhanced;49 Discharges to the receiving environment (the Ohinemuri River) from Area 5 will be managed to maintain or enhance water quality;50 Various undertakings are proposed to maintain or enhance indigenous biodiversity, including replanting of riparian areas, pest and weed management, wetland enhancement and enhancements to fish passage. These are not exclusive to Area 5, and will be undertaken in an integrated manner across the entire WNP area;51 and the natural attenuation function of the Gladstone Wetland will not be altered by the proposed works within Area 5 or the changes to the gully headwater of the wetland.52 The activities being undertaken within the margins of the water bodies present within Area 5 are therefore consistent with the outcomes sought by Objective 3.16 and will ensure that the values, quality and extent of the riparian and wetland habitats are maintained or enhanced. Historic and cultural heritage Objective 3.18 of the RPS specifies that sites, structures, landscapes, areas or places of historic and cultural heritage are to be protected, maintained or enhanced in order to retain the identity and integrity of the Waikato Region and New Zealand’s history and culture. A number of policies seek to achieve this objective, and direct that: Tangata whenua are to be provided appropriate opportunities to express, maintain and enhance the relationship with their rohe through resource management and other local authority processes;53 provision should be made for the collaborative, consistent and integrated management of historic and cultural heritage resources;54 and 48 Objective 3.16 also seeks that they be managed to maintain or enhance public access and amenity values and this aspect of the provision is addressed in more detail in Section below. 49 Objective 3.16(a)(ii), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 50 Objective 3.16(b)(i), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 51 Objective 3.16(b)(ii), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 52 Objective 3.16(b)(iii), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 53 Policy 4.3, Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 54 Policy 10.1, Waikato Regional Policy Statement.