B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 151 The renewal of existing permits42 associated with the WTP collection ponds, outfall structures, clean water diversions and the replacement consents43 associated with the discharge of material to the polishing ponds and stockpiles will all be undertaken in accordance with the existing conditions and limitations imposed by those consents. Monitoring associated with these activities confirms that these management responses ensure that the values of the surrounding freshwater bodies are maintained, while providing for associated social and economic benefits that accrue from the ongoing operation of OGNZL’s activities.44 The mauri and identified values of the freshwater bodies affected by activities within Area 5 will therefore be managed in accordance with Objective 3.14 and associated Policy 8.3. The increasing demand and competition for water is managed via Policy 8.6 through the setting of allocation limits and other regional plan mechanisms which achieve the freshwater objectives identified in the RPS. While this policy is most relevant to regional plan promulgation, it is noted that: dewatering of the GOP will not generate any adverse surface water quality effects within the Ohinemuri River;45 the diversion and taking of groundwater will not affect any existing or reasonably foreseeable domestic or municipal water supplies or existing water takes;46 and intercepted groundwater and surface water within the GOP will be diverted to the WTP for treatment prior to discharge into the Ohinemuri River. Accordingly, it will not impact on any Regional Council work programme for addressing over allocation of surface water in this catchment.47 The diversion of groundwater (and surface water where it ponds within the GOP) associated with Area 5 will therefore not create an impediment for the WRC achieving Objective 3.15 or associated Policy 8.6 from a water allocation perspective. Riparian areas and wetlands Objective 3.16 of the RPS (and its associated policies) seeks that riparian areas and wetlands be managed to maintain or enhance a range of values including water quality, 42 Permits 971313 to 971320 and 109743. 43 Permits 971295 and 109744. 44 Policy 8.3(b), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 45 Policy 8.6(b), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 46 Policy 8.6(c), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 47 Objective 3.15(a) and (c), Waikato Regional Policy Statement.