B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 150 concentration of iron and mercury to a level that exceeds the receiving water quality criteria (“RWQC”). It is important to note that: o a conservative approach to water quality modelling was adopted which did not allow for attenuation of key contaminants within aquifer materials during groundwater flow. As observed in other mine areas on-site, trace metal contaminants in particular are expected to have a strong affinity for binding to clay minerals within the shallow aquifer and iron minerals within the deeper aquifer. These adsorption processes significantly attenuate contaminant migration in groundwater; and o dilution of the flux of potential contaminants within the Ohinemuri River will result in negligible instream water quality effects; For the reasons set out in Section of this statutory evaluation with respect to Policy 7 of the NPSFM, the physical modification of freshwater bodies has been avoided where practicable;37 Enhancing instream and riparian habitat and biological diversity is central to the design of the WNP. The loss of native and riparian vegetation associated with the removal of the headwater gully will be mitigated, by enhancement planting located on the western side of Gladstone Hill. Indigenous fauna present on-site will be protected during vegetation clearance by implementing a lizard management plan, adopting bat tree felling protocols and ensuring vegetation works occur outside of the main bird breeding season;38 The majority of activities occurring within Area 5 are located above the Ohinemuri 100-year floodplain;39 Understanding and managing the relationship between groundwater and surface water is a critical component of the WNP. The linkages between the two have informed the mining techniques employed within Area 5, including water management and monitoring. The effects and associated management and monitoring of activities within Area 5 are set out in detail in Sections 5.11, 5.13 and 6 of this AEE;40 The Instream Work Aquatic Ecology Management Plan will detail how instream works will be managed to ensure the introduction of pest and weed species is avoided;41 and 37 Policy 8.3(b)(i)-(iii), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 38 Policy 8.3(b)(i)-(iii) and (c), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 39 Policy 8.3(d)(ii), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 40 Policy 8.3(e)(i) and (ii), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 41 Policy 8.3(e)(iii), Waikato Regional Policy Statement.