Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 149 with respect to the NPSFM, the evaluation provided for Policy 6 applies in relation to the protection of the values associated with Gladstone Wetland. Policy 8.3 is also of particular relevance to the activities undertaken within Area 5. This policy directs the effects of activities be managed to maintain or enhance the identified values of freshwater bodies by: reducing sediment in freshwater bodies, microbial and nutrient contamination;30 where appropriate, protecting and enhancing riparian and wetland habitat, instream habitat diversity and indigenous biodiversity;31 avoiding physical modification of freshwater bodies where practicable and inappropriate development in floodplains;32 and managing groundwater and surface water flow/level regimes, the linkages between groundwater and surface water and pest and weed species where they contribute to freshwater body degradation.33 In accordance with these directions: Best practice sediment and erosion management techniques will be employed during construction activities within Area 5 to minimise the effects of construction phase discharges (including construction related contaminants and sediment);34 OGNZL is proposing to review, as part of the consent conditions, the water quality limits on its consents within six months of any catchment related plan change becoming operative which gives effect to the NPSFM by implementing the NOF. This will ensure that the discharge activities within Area 5 do not frustrate the WRC ability to give effect to the NPSFM;35 While monitoring of existing discharge permits demonstrates that the current discharges from the WTP are not giving rise to adverse effects on riparian habits, instream habitat diversity or biodiversity, the establishment of additional monitoring parameters for the WTP discharges will improve the understanding of the effects of the discharges on water quality, enabling more precise management (if necessary);36 The TSF within the GOP will be lined and subsurface drains will capture and divert seepage to the WTP for treatment prior to discharge into the Ohinemuri River. Notwithstanding, shallow groundwater quality is predicted to increase the 30 Policy 8.3(a)(i) and (iii), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 31 Policy 8.3(b)(i)-(iii), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 32 Policy 8.3(d)(i)-(ii), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 33 Policy 8.3(e)(i)-(iii), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 34 Policy 8.3(a)(i), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 35 Policy 8.3(a)(ii)-(iv), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 36 Policy 8.3(a)(ii)-(iv), Waikato Regional Policy Statement.