B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 146 Policy 13 The focus of Policy 13 of the NPSFM is to ensure that the condition of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems is systematically monitored over time, and action is taken where freshwater is degraded, and to reverse deteriorating trends. Discharges from the WTP are currently operating well within the requirements of its current resource consents. As described in Section 5.13 of this AEE, these limits were established prior to the 2020 amendments to the NPSFM. OGNZL recognises that in order to restore and preserve the balance between water, the wider environment and the community (in accordance with Te Mana o te Wai), there is a reasonable expectation that some catchment wide water quality improvements are likely to be required in the Ohinemuri River over time. OGNZL is therefore proposing to review, as part of the consent conditions, the water quality limits on its consents within six months of any catchment related plan change becoming operative which gives effect to the NPSFM by implementing the NOF. Coupled with its extensive monitoring throughout the Ohinemuri River catchment, these measures will ensure that OGNZL discharges will not frustrate the WRC’s management efforts to improve the attribute states within the Ohinemuri River catchment. 7.5 REGIONAL POLICY STATEMENTS 7.5.1 Waikato Regional Policy Statement The RPS provides an overview of the resource management issues for the Waikato Region, and sets out objectives, policies and methods intended to achieve the integrated management of natural and physical resources. The key topics in the RPS relevant to the Area 5 sub-unit include: air quality; freshwater bodies; indigenous biodiversity and ecosystem services; riparian areas and wetlands; landscape, natural character and amenity; public access; natural hazards; and soils. These topics are discussed in the sub-sections that follow.