B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 44 underground for this purpose due to limitations with transportation of large quantities of concrete to the shaft collar via helicopter. Fresh air shafts will employ a protective grate. Figure 25: Typical Alimak and Mast Arrangement. Upon completion of each of Vent Shafts 2 – 5, a vent stack, up to 8 m in height, will be installed and fenced (refer Figure 26).7 Ventilation fans will be installed underground. Further technical drawings that illustrate the proposed vent stacks are provided in Part D of these application documents. One of Vent Shafts 2 – 5 will be used as an emergency egress. The Alimak may be utilised as an emergency egress elevator in the selected shaft. Alternatively, a ladder system may be employed. Surface expression at the egress shaft will be minimal with a caged ladder or Alimak column appearing at the surface. Vent shafts will be secured to prevent vandalism and unauthorised access. 7 The final height of the Vent Shaft will be confirmed at the time of detailed design.