Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 38 Tunnel Design The dual tunnels will be required to facilitate materials handling equipment as well as personnel access, and will be developed with nominal dimensions of 5.8 m (W) x 6.0 m (H). An indicative cross-section of the Dual Tunnel is provided in Figure 21. Lateral development not required to facilitate truck access will be developed with nominal dimensions of between 4.5 – 5.0 m (W) x 4.5 – 7.5 m (H). Each tunnel will incorporate, or include at regular intervals, the following services and infrastructure: Communications, electricity, water supply, compressed air supply, drainage and ventilation infrastructure; Emergency warning systems; Refuge chambers; Storage and stockpile areas; and, Tunnel recesses (cuddies). In addition to the above generic services and infrastructure in each tunnel, the Tunnel System will include (but is not limited to): Crib rooms; Maintenance workshops with bunded hydrocarbon storage; and An explosives magazine Ammonia Nitrate Emulsion (ANE) storage areas Pumping infrastructure chambers. It will be necessary for operational mining purposes to extend and/or relocate some of these services and infrastructure as tunnelling and mining advance. As described in the geotechnical reporting (WSP (2022b)) provided in Part H of these application documents, AEE each tunnel is located and designed to prevent any surfacelevel subsidence from occurring.