Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 22 With respect to native fauna, Bioresearches identified that Copper Skinks have been recorded around the Waihi SFA, including at the GOP and Union Hill. These skinks are an ‘At-risk’ species under the New Zealand Threat Classification system. The WNP does not propose any works at the Copper Skink sites north of the WTP, at Union Hill, or at the Moko Skink sites at SNA166 (which adjoins Areas 6 and 7). Surveys (refer Figure 11) did not record any geckos and indicate that the GOP does not provide habitat for native bats or frogs. As described in Section 8.1 of Bioresearches (2022), the GOP site has ‘Moderate’ ecological value, largely due to the presence of habitat that supports ‘At Risk’ Copper Skinks. Figure 11: Native lizard survey records. 2.12 GEOLOGY The geology of Area 5 is described in PSM (2022) and GHD (2022b), copies of which are provided in Part H of these application documents. The geology within which GOP would be established is shown in Figure 12.