B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 17 Two access gates off Golden Valley Road east of Moore Street are used infrequently for monitoring or exploratory work, or for over-dimension loads. 2.9 NOISE The noise environment is described in Marshall Day (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. Daytime noise in Waihi is typical of a small town. Ambient noise levels are from 43dB to 50dB LAeq, varying with proximity to the town centre and to local roads. Background noise levels reduce markedly at night, by 5 to 15 decibels. The largest contributor to noise in Waihi is local traffic on SH25. Background noise in the rural area around Waihi is generally lower than in town during the day but is slightly higher than in town during the night. This is attributed to night-time traffic on SH2 and SH25 raising background noise levels in the rural hinterland. 2.10 HISTORIC HERITAGE The historic heritage values of the area are described in Clough (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. Clough (2022) identifies various historic heritage sites near Area 5, some of which are also scheduled in the HDP (refer Figure 8). Outside of the proposed disturbance footprint are: The historic Gladstone Battery (referenced in the District Plan as HAU245) located between Union Hill and Gladstone Hill near the northern edge of the proposed GOP (there is no evidence of any remaining heritage association in this area); An historic tramline (New Zealand Archaeological Association (“NZAA”) site T13/318) runs along the south-eastern and eastern side of Union Hill. This is also a Category C Heritage Item in the HDP (reference HAU264); and An historic tramway follows a north-easterly alignment between the Clarke Street court bowl and Moore Street, west of Union Hill. District Plan Map K4 and Chapter 6.1 schedule this as site ‘HAU264(C) Waihi Gold Mining Company - Tramways - Silverton Hill gold mining complex and Battery’.