B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 11 Resource Consent Expiry Date Take up to 430 cubic metres per day of water from Ohinemuri River for elution water purposes. Water Treatment Plant Discharge AUTH 971318.01.12 To discharge treated water from the WTP into the Ohinemuri River via two discharge points. 13/10/2034 AUTH 971319.01.11 To place and use structures in the Ohinemuri River for the discharge of treated water from the WTP into the Ohinemuri River. 13/10/2034 AUTH 971320.01.11 To place and use structures in the Ohinemuri River for the discharge of treated water from the WTP into the Ohinemuri River. 13/10/2034 Diversion Drains AUTH 971310 To divert natural water (farm water run-off and intercepted groundwater) to the south on the western side of the Processing Plant site area. 13/10/2034 AUTH 971317 To discharge natural water (farm run-off and intercepted groundwater) diverted to the south on the western side of the Processing Plant site area. 13/10/2034 AUTH 109743 To divert and discharge ground and surface water (farm run-off and intercepted groundwater) from around the project area [the Polishing Pond Stockpile]. 13/12/2028 Silt and Collection Pond discharges AUTH 971313 To place and use structures across a watercourse for the purpose of constructing a collection pond for the WTP. 13/10/2034 AUTH 971314 To dam a watercourse for the construction of a collection pond for the WTP. 13/10/2034