B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 8 Activity How is the Land Use Authorised? ML 32 2388 / Rule LUC 97/98-105 / Rule Other The Favona Stockpile Favona Exploration Decline Land Use Consent 85.050.325.D Polishing Pond Stockpile Favona Underground Project LUC 85.050.326.E (2004). Concrete Batching Plant Correnso Underground Mine LUSE202.2012 (2013). Project Martha LUC LUSE202.2018.00000857.004. Maintenance Workshop, Store and various other Amenity Facilities at the Waihi SFA The Favona Portal and decline. The Favona Exploration Decline Land Use Consent 85.050.325.D The Favona Underground Mine Land Use Consent 85.050.326.E (2004) authorises the expansion of the Favona Portal. The Favona Underground Mine The Favona Underground Mine Land Use Consent 85.050.326.E (2004) authorises this activity.