B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 7 2.4 EXISTING AND CONSENTED MINING ACTIVITIES There are a range of existing mining activities undertaken within Area 5 (see Figure 4 below). They include: The Processing Plant; The WTP; The Favona Portal; The Favona Stockpile; The Run of Mine Stockpile; The Polishing Pond Stockpile; The Concrete Batching Plant; and The Maintenance Workshop area. A summary of how the use of land for each element is authorised is provided in Table 1 below. More detail on each element, how it is authorised, and the details of what is authorised is provided in the Existing Consented Activities report contained in Part F of these application documents. Table 1: How the use of land for each existing element within Area 5 is authorised. Activity How is the Land Use Authorised? ML 32 2388 / Rule LUC 97/98-105 / Rule Other Conveyor N/A Processing Plant WTP Favona Portal Favona Exploration Decline Land Use Consent 85.050.325.D and the Favona Underground Project LUC 85.050.326.E (2004). The Run of Mine Stockpile