B-5 – Area 5 - Assessment of Environmental Effects TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ___________________________________________________________ 1 2. Existing Environment ___________________________________________________ 3 2.1 Introduction 3 2.2 Cultural Landscape 5 2.3 Environmental Setting 5 2.4 Existing and Consented Mining Activities 7 2.5 Zoning 12 2.6 Land Ownership and Dwellings 14 2.7 Landscape 15 2.8 Road Transport Network 15 2.9 Noise 17 2.10 Historic Heritage 17 2.11 Terrestrial Ecology 19 2.12 Geology 22 2.13 Hydrogeology 24 2.14 Hydrology 24 2.15 Aquatic Ecology 28 2.16 Water Users 33 2.17 Recreational Values 33 2.18 Meteorology and Air Quality 37 3. Project Description____________________________________________________ 39 3.1 Overview 39 3.2 Gladstone Open Pit 39 3.3 WUG and MUG Portals 49 3.4 Processing Plant Upgrades 50 3.5 Water Treatment Plant Upgrades 59 3.6 Storage and Use of Hazardous Substances 64 3.7 Carparking 69 3.8 Waihi SFA Closure and Rehabilitation 71 4. Resource Consents Required____________________________________________ 72 4.1 Hauraki District Council 72 4.2 Waikato Regional Council 78 5. Assessment of Effects _________________________________________________ 89 5.1 Introduction 89 5.1 Permitted Baseline 90 5.2 Landscape, Visual Amenity and Natural Character Effects 91 5.3 Noise Effects 93 5.4 Geotechnical Matters 95 5.5 Blasting and Vibration Effects 98 5.6 Lighting Effects 101 5.7 Traffic and the Road Network 102