B-2 – Area 4 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 35 In light of the above, it is concluded that the activities proposed within Area 4 can be undertaken in a manner that achieves the outcomes sought by the key relevant objectives and policies of the RPS. OGNZL continues to work with tangata whenua regarding the effects on the project on cultural values. For this reason, provisions within the RPS regarding cultural values have been assessed at a high level within Section 9 of the Overarching AEE. This will be further developed as consultation progresses and cultural impact assessments have been completed. 7.6 REGIONAL AND DISTRICT PLANS 7.6.1 Waikato Regional Plan The WRP contains objectives, policies, methods and rules relating to the management of natural and physical resources of the Waikato Region. With respect to the key provisions of relevance to activities occurring within Area 4: The Services Trench will not extend into any waterbodies. Furthermore, the implementation of sediment and erosion control plans will ensure that any exposed surfaces will not give rise to sediment discharges beyond the site or into nearby waterbodies;12 The proposed dust suppression measures (implemented by way of Air Quality Management Plan) will ensure that there are adverse effects beyond the boundary of the site and that the air quality characteristics of the surrounding environs is maintained;13 As noted in Section 7.5, the proposed new structures designed to carry the services across the Ohinemuri River will not require footings in the bed or banks of the river. The services will also be suspended above the river;14 During construction, exposed soil will give rise to temporary visual effects. Once the trenching works are complete and the existing landcover is reinstated, the landscape and visual amenity effects will be negligible;15 As noted above, temporary exposed areas will be visible during construction of the Services Trench. Once works are complete, the existing landcover will be reinstated, with any landscape and visual amenity effects being negligible;16 12 Objective 3.25, Waikato Regional Policy Statement; 5.1.2, Waikato Regional Plan. 13 Objective 1-3, Section 6.1.2 and Objective 5.1.2, Waikato Regional Plan. 14 Objective 4.2.2, Section 4.2.2, Waikato Regional Plan. 15 Objective 3.21, Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 16 Objective 5.1.2, Waikato Regional Plan.