B-2 – Area 4 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 26 some of which consists of high productive soil,3 before following along the roading corridor of SH25 and connecting to the Willows SFA via roading corridor of Willows Road. The Services Trench will be constructed underground, and therefore, will only occupy a small area of productive land during its construction. This land will be backfilled, enabling continued use of the land for production purposes throughout the life of the Waihi North Project. 5.5 HISTORIC HERITAGE EFFECTS An assessment of the potential effects of the Waihi North Project on historic heritage values is provided in Clough (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. The key findings of the Clough assessment insofar as they apply to the Services Trench are. The northern extent of the proposed Services Trench alignment follows Willows Road from the Willows SFA site to SH25. Previously, the Willows Timber Tramway (T13/962) followed much of what is now Willows Road, however, there is no visible evidence of the tramline in this area, having been removed and modified by road construction; and To the north of the Processing Plant, the alignment of the Services Trench intersects a small drive associated with the Silverton Gold Mining Complex T13/819 on Silverton Hill, and a drive associated with the Favona Mine T13/306. The Services Trench is unlikely to be of a scale or depth to have any impact on these deep subsurface features. Overall, Clough (2022) concludes that the effects on historic heritage are likely to be nil to less than minor. Clough (2022) considers the effects of the activity have been adequately managed through the project design and no additional measures to remedy or mitigate effects are required. It is noted that while Clough (2022) has not identified archaeological or historic heritage values within the project area that would be affected by the Services Trench, OGNZL will implement an accidental discovery protocol across all Waihi North Project sites. 3 LUC 2e1.