Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-2 – Area 4 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 24 6803:1999 “Acoustics – Construction Noise” (NZS 6803). This requirement is included in the proposed conditions. 5.2.2 Dust Generation If not appropriately managed, dust which is generated during the construction and earthworks phase of the proposed work may have an adverse effect on surrounding land uses. Specific mitigation measures such as the dampening of surfaces during construction are proposed to address this potential effect. These measures will be included in the Air Quality Management Plan. As a result, it is considered that the potential for a dust nuisance to arise during construction is less than minor. 5.2.3 Erosion and Sediment Control The trench will be constructed in 100 – 200 m sections using appropriately sized excavation plant. During construction works, excavated spoil will be stockpiled in tidy bunds on the high side of the trench allowing any dirty water runoff to flow into the trench. During construction of the Services Trench erosion and sediment control will be employed by OGNZL. This is described in the report prepared by Southern Skies (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. Central to those measures will be the development of a Site Specific Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (“SSESCP”) for these works which meets or exceeds the outcomes sought by the relevant Waikato Regional Council guideline (TR2009/02). The works required to construct the Services Trench will require two crossings of the Ohinemuri River. It is proposed that the utilities will be installed on pipe bridges, and no works are necessary within the bed of the river. Avoidance of the riverbed, coupled with the erosion and sediment control measures being proposed, will seek to ensure that there is no sediment runoff into the Ohinemuri River or nearby tributaries, and that sediment intrusions into the Favona Wetland will be minimised. 5.2.4 Construction Traffic The Transportation Assessment prepared by Stantec (2022), which is provided in Part H of these application documents, notes that the work within the road corridor to enable the Services Trench will be subject to a separate Corridor Access approval process (with the NZ Transport Agency), and subject to a Construction Traffic Management Plan. This Plan will address the management of construction and general traffic in the vicinity of the Services Trench. This is a common approach to managing traffic during construction in the road corridor, and its implementation will ensure that vehicles are able to enter and exit the area safely, and at appropriate times. This aspect of the work will also ensure that accesses to other properties are managed appropriately during the construction works.