B-2 – Area 4 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 22 Activity Relevant Rules Comment Discharges to land and water (RMA s15(1)(a) and (b) consents) To discharge overburden material to land associated with the temporary stockpiling of excess spoil during Services Trench construction. Discretionary activity under Rule The temporary storage of rock and spoil will be required in association with the construction of the Services Trench. This material meets the definition of overburden and the temporary stockpiles will not be an ‘overburden disposal site’. So permitted activity Rule and controlled activity Rule do not apply to the activity. Discharge of water to land from portable water treatment tanks Discretionary activity under Rule The discharge of water to land from the water treatment tanks requires resource consent as a discretionary activity under Rule Discharge of water to land for use as a dust suppressant. Permitted activity under Rule The discharge of contaminants (excluding waste oil) onto or into land for the purpose of dust suppression is a permitted activity subject to compliance with conditions (a), (b) and (c) of Rule These conditions are able to be complied with. Discharges to Air (RMA section 15(1)(c) / 15(2A) To discharge contaminants to air. Permitted activity under s15(2) of the RMA. The Services Trench is not an industrial or trade premises. Therefore, a s15 resource consent is only required if the activity contravenes a regional rule or regulation of the NES. In this case Rule and Rules – do not apply to the activity. It can therefore be undertaken without a resource consent.