B-2 – Area 4 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 14 3.2 SERVICES TRENCH CONSTRUCTION The Service Trench will be constructed in 100 – 200 m sections using appropriately sized excavation plant. During construction works, excavated spoil will be stockpiled in tidy bunds on the high side of the trench allowing any dirty water runoff to flow into the trench. Shoring methods will be employed if the service trench exceeds a depth of 1.5 m or if otherwise required. High Density Poly Ethylene services will be continuously welded along the route and placed into the trench on bedding sand and then covered. Detectable tape will be installed above the services prior to backfilling with spoil and compacting. Conduits will be installed for high voltage cables. Mechanical protection will be installed above conduits with detectable tape prior to backfilling and compaction. Small open pits (approx. 2 m by 2 m) maybe required to be left open for connections and/or welding. Any excess spoil will be removed off site to one of the stockpiles. Directional boring may be used to install services under SH25 to a yet to be determined invert level.1 All works within road corridors will be undertaken in accordance with access agreements with the road controlling authorities (Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and Hauraki District Council (“HDC”)) and where local road surfaces are disturbed, these will be repaired to the satisfaction of the road controlling authorities. Prior to works commencing, a Construction Traffic Management Plan will be developed and submitted to HDC for certification. 3.3 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Southern Skies (2022) describe the erosion and sediment control measures that will be implemented for these works. A copy of Southern Skies (2022) is provided in Part H of these application documents. Southern Skies (2022) includes an Erosion and Sediment Control Assessment Report (“ESCAR”) which provides: The overarching erosion and sediment control (“ESC”) principles and procedures for the earthwork activities associated with the Waihi North Project; An assessment of the effectiveness of those ESC principles and procedures in minimising potential sediment discharges to an acceptable level; 1 To be specified by Waka Kotahi.