Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-2 – Area 4 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 10 2.7 LANDSCAPE CONTEXT The landscape values attributed to Area 4 are described in Boffa Miskell (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. The southern end of the Services Trench corridor is characterised by the existing mining operations at the Waihi SFA. As it proceeds north towards SH25, the corridor intersects peri-urban, rural residential properties (most of which are owned by OGNZL) that contain dwellings, shelterbelts, scattered patches of vegetation and outbuildings. From the point where it intersects SH25, and continues north onward via Willows Road, the trench corridor is characterised by increasingly hilly rural farmland either side of the roads, terminating at the north within the proposed Willows SFA, at the south-east of Area 2. 2.8 HISTORIC HERITAGE The historic heritage values of the area are described in Clough (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. Five recorded historic heritage sites are near the trench corridor. It intersects a small drive associated with the Silverton Gold Mining Complex T13/819 on Silverton Hill, and a drive associated with the Favona Mine T13/306. The Services Trench is unlikely to be of a scale or depth to have any impact on these deep subsurface features. Otherwise, the trench corridor will avoid historic heritage features (Clough 2022). 2.9 TERRESTRIAL ECOLOGY As the Services Trench corridor is mainly within cleared rural land and road corridors, it does not intersect any sites with significant terrestrial ecology values. 2.10 GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY The geological and hydrological features of the wider area are described in WSP (2022a) and GWS (2022), copies of which are provided in Part H of these application documents. The Services Trench will only be developed to approximately 1.5 m depth, and therefore will be founded in topsoil, and will have minimal interaction with groundwater. 2.11 HYDROLOGY The Services Trench will cross the Ohinemuri River (or tributaries thereof) in 2 locations. These are shown in Figure 3. 2.12 AQUATIC ECOLOGY The aquatic ecology values of the receiving environment are described in Boffa Miskell (2022a) a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents.