Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-3 – Area 3 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 56 Located entirely underground, the tunnelling activities will not affect the open character values of the zone;99 Vibration and overpressure effects during the construction of the WUG Access Tunnel have the potential to affect nearby sensitive receivers (including residents) within the Rural Zone. With respect to vibration, blast vibrations may be detectable for some sensitive receivers during the construction of the tunnel. As described in Section 6, controls will be imposed on the magnitude and timing of blasting activity, with monitoring proposed to ensure the blasting effects remain within an acceptable level, the effects. Such effects on residential areas will also be temporary (up to three months);100 As discussed in Section 5.6 of this AEE, the WUG Access Tunnel will generate limited surface noise effects;101 and The rock material and depth of the tunnel will not exacerbate or influence the natural hazard risks experienced at the surface of Area 3.102 The activities proposed within Area 3 will not restrict or prevent the range of rural land use activities to be undertaken on the land above the tunnel, using the productive potential, location and rural character of the zone. They will not affect the open rural landscape character of the zone and adverse effects of the activity on the environment or on the amenities of neighbours will be avoided, remedied or mitigated while providing for the utilisation of an identified mineral resource. Residential Zone The WUG Access Tunnel is partially located beneath the Residential Zone. There are four objectives for this zone, which collectively seek that: Residential development maintains and enhances neighbourhood amenities and qualities consistent with the aspirations of the individual communities within those areas;103 Residential areas free from the effects of hazards; 104 and The adverse effects of residential and non-residential developments on the environment and character of the locality is avoided, remedied or mitigated.105 99 Policy (1)(a)(iii) and Policy (2)(a)(i), Section 5.1.2, Hauraki District Plan. 100 Policy (4)(a)(iii), Section 5.1.2, Hauraki District Plan. 101 Policy (4)(a)(iii), Section 5.1.2, Hauraki District Plan. 102 Policy (4)(a)(iv), Section 5.1.2, Hauraki District Plan. 103 Objective 1, Section 5.7.2, Hauraki District Plan. 104 Objective 2, Section 5.7.2, Hauraki District Plan. 105 Objective 3, Section 5.7.2, Hauraki District Plan.