Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-3 – Area 3 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 44 The extent to which the discharge avoids contamination that will have an adverse effect on the life-supporting capacity of freshwater and on the health of people and communities;12 and The extent to which it is feasible and dependable that any more than minor adverse effect on freshwater or the health of people and communities, resulting from the discharge would be avoided.13 Similar to Policy A4, Policy B7 requires the consent authority to have regard to the following matters when considering any application for the taking, using, damming or diversion of freshwater or the drainage of a wetland which is likely to result in a more than minor adverse change in the natural variability of flows or level of freshwater: The extent to which the change would adversely affect safeguarding the life supporting capacity of freshwater and of any associated ecosystem; 14 and The extent to which it is feasible and dependable that any adverse effect on the life supporting capacity of freshwater resulting from the change would be avoided. 15 As discussed in Section 5 of this AEE, the discharge of contaminants to land and groundwater associated with sealing of the tunnels (where required) and the discharge of overburden to land will not have an adverse effect on the life-supporting capacity of groundwater or surface water within Area 3, nor will it affect any other groundwater abstractions.16 The assessment of dewatering associated with its construction will not have any discernible effect on the waterbodies located at the surface. Accordingly, any changes to the natural variability or flows of waterbodies or their life supporting capacity will not be discernible.17 The dewatering technique described in Section 3 and the associated monitoring and reporting described in Section 6 will be secured by way of resource consent conditions.18 Management of water resources The management outcomes sought for all waterbodies within the region are described in Objective 3.1.2 and associated policies. The key themes arising from this objective (as relevant to Area 3) include ensuring that water bodies are managed to: 12 Policy A4(1)(a) and (2)(a), Section 3, Waikato Regional Plan. 13 Policy A4(1)(b) and (2)(b), Section 3, Waikato Regional Plan. 14 Policy B7(1)(a), Section 3, Waikato Regional Plan. 15 Policy B7(1)(b), Section 3, Waikato Regional Plan. 16 Policy A4(1) and (2), Section 3, Waikato Regional Plan. 17 Policy B7(1)(a), Section 3, Waikato Regional Plan. 18 Policy B7(1)(b), Section 3, Waikato Regional Plan.