Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-3 – Area 3 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 41 OGNZL continues to engage with tangata whenua regarding activities occurring within Area 3 and the wider WNP. Through this consultation process, OGNZL is focussed on how the project can establish and operate in a way which protects the mauri of the wai and restores and preserves the balance between water, the environment and community. Policy 7 Policy 7 of NPSFM seeks to ensure the loss of river extent and values is avoided to the extent practicable. As discussed in Section of this AEE, the WUG Access Tunnel will extend from a new portal site located near the Favona underground workings to the underground Dual Tunnel. Dewatering associated with the construction of the WUG Access Tunnel will not give rise to a loss in river extent or values for the following reasons: The southern part of the WUG Access Tunnel decline is already dewatered from existing underground mining operations associated with the Favona underground workings; Due to the low permeability of the andesite rockmass, through which the WUG Access Tunnel will be driven through, and dewatering effects extending back to the near surface are expected to be negligible; and Despite the low permeability of the andesite rockmass, large scale faults or fractures could be encountered during tunnel construction. Drilling in advance of the tunnel drive will identify such features and they will be grout sealed to avoid groundwater egress. The dewatering activities associated with Area 3 therefore avoid the potential loss of river extent and values and achieves the requirements of Policy 7. 7.5 REGIONAL POLICY STATEMENTS 7.5.1 Waikato Regional Policy Statement The RPS provides an overview of the resource management issues for the Waikato Region, and sets out objectives, policies and methods intended to achieve the integrated management of natural and physical resources. Freshwater is the key topic in the RPS of relevance to Area 3 and is discussed in the subsections that follow. OGNZL continues to work with tangata whenua regarding the effects on the project on cultural values. For this reason, provisions with the RPS regarding cultural values have been assessed at a high level within Section 9 of the Overarching AEE. This will be further developed as consultation progresses and cultural impact assessments have been completed.