Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-3 – Area 3 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 40 Third, the ability of people and communities to provide for their social, economic, and cultural wellbeing, now and in the future. The sole objective of the NPSFM reflects this hierarchy of obligations and states: …to ensure that natural and physical resources are managed in a way that prioritises: (a) first, the health and well-being of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems (b) second, the health needs of people (such as drinking water) (c) third, the ability of people and communities to provide for their social, economic, and cultural well-being, now and in the future In respect of the NPSFM policies, those of most relevance to the activities within Area 3 are discussed in detail below. Policies 1 and 2 Policy 1 of the NPSFM seeks to ensure that freshwater is managed in a way which gives effect to Te Mana o te Wai. Policy 2 seeks to ensure that tangata whenua are actively involved in freshwater management and Māori freshwater values are identified and provided for. As described in Section 5: The tunnel decline is already dewatered to a depth of approximately 70 m below the ground surface; Zones of potential high inflows will be appropriately lined, ensuring only rockmass drainage occurs during construction of the tunnel; Any effects of dewatering the tunnel during construction and development will be confined to the area immediately adjacent to the tunnel and will not manifest at the surface due to the depth below ground level; The volume of water to be taken from the Waihi Basin aquifer management area during construction of the tunnel will not exceed the volume groundwater available for extraction from this aquiver; and, No groundwater users will be adversely affected by the tunnel development. As demonstrated in Section 5 and as summarised above, the various activities undertaken within Area 3, both individually and in combination, will prioritise the health and well-being of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems, the health needs of people, thus supporting the ability of people and communities to provide for their social, economic and cultural wellbeing, now and into the future.