B-3 – Area 3 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 39 Section 6 of this AEE also outlines other measures proposed by OGNZL which are able to be considered under section 104(1)(ab) of the RMA which will ensure positive effects on the environment. These measures also align with OGNZL’s overall objective to ensure the wider WNP achieves an overall net gain. Overall, it is considered that the activities occurring within Area 3 will be undertaken in a manner that promotes the outcomes sought by the relevant statutory planning documents in order to achieve the sustainable management purpose of the RMA. 7.3 NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS The National Environmental Standards relevant to Area 3 are discussed in the following sub-sections. 7.3.1 National Environmental Standards for Freshwater The NES Freshwater sets standards to regulate activities that pose a risk to the health of freshwater and freshwater ecosystems. The activities within Area 3 are not activities controlled by the NES Freshwater that pose a risk to the health of freshwater and freshwater ecosystems and do not require resource consent under the NES Freshwater. Accordingly, the NES Freshwater is not a relevant consideration for this AEE. 7.3.2 National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil The NES Soil seeks to ensure that land affected by contaminants in soil is appropriately identified and assessed before it is developed. If necessary, affected land will need to be remediated or the contaminants contained to make it safe for human use. Area 3 is entirely located underground. Accordingly, it is not considered a “piece of land” under the NES Soil. The NES Soil is not a relevant consideration for this AEE. 7.4 NATIONAL POLICY STATEMENTS 7.4.1 National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management Central to the NPSFM is the concept of Te Mana o Te Wai. Te Mana o Te Wai encompasses six principles relating to the roles of tangata whenua and other New Zealanders. These are discussed in detail in Section 9 of the Overarching AEE. Aligned to these principles is a hierarchy of obligations that prioritises: First, the health and well-being of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems; Second, the health needs of people (such as drinking water); and