B-3 – Area 3 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 31 5.10 CONCLUSION OGNZL is seeking all necessary resource consents from the HDC and the WRC for the various WNP activities at Area 3, which are centred on the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel. The cultural effects of these activities are being addressed with tangata whenua through the CVA / CIA process described in Chapter 5 of the Overarching AEE. An assessment of all other potential effects on the environment of proposed activities in Area 3 is provided in Section 5 of this sub-AEE, as well as the various technical assessments commissioned by OGNZL. The nature of the activity means most activities are subsurface, with the only surface manifestation being the WUG Portal at the Waihi SFA. The technical assessments have concluded that the actual and potential effects of these activities can be routinely managed using a range of measures which have proven effective in managing the effects of OGNZL’s extensive underground mining activities in and around Waihi. The only effect that will be noticeable at the surface will be a temporary period of vibration at some properties when the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel is being established in close proximity. This vibration will be managed to achieve surface vibration limits that are considered acceptable given the nature of the vibration that will be experienced. However, in addition OGNZL propose to provide further compensation to potentially affected landowners by implementing its Amenity Effect Programme for the owners of properties which experience vibration due to the activity, and by providing a significant exgratia payment to the registered proprietor of any residence the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel passes directly beneath. With respect to the statutory planning framework that applies to the activities at Area 3, it is concluded that the development of the project in the manner proposed by OGNZL will for the most part align comfortably with the overall management intentions specified in the relevant national, regional and district planning documents based on the effects assessments included in these application documents. Many of these statutory planning documents recognise the importance of the mining sector and the need to provide for its continuation (subject to the management of potential effects on the environment). It certainly cannot be concluded that the activities at Area 3 will be contrary, or repugnant, to any of the relevant statutory planning documents. This assessment will be updated following receipt of the various CVA / CIA documents being produced by tangata whenua. Finally, it is noted that OGNZL has consulted with interested / potentially affected parties and the wider community with respect to the WNP and activities in Area 3. This consultation has informed the various environmental assessments and will continue