B-3 – Area 3 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 30 Notwithstanding Heilig’s assessment, OGNZL proposes to provide further compensation to potentially affected landowners by: Implementing its Amenity Effect Programme which makes six monthly payments to the owners of occupied residences affected by vibration based on the number and level of vibration and number of blast events they experience; and Providing an ex-gratia payment to the registered proprietor of any residence the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel passes directly beneath which is equal to 5% of the that property’s market value. While no property damage effects are expected OGNZL also proposes conditions of consent which require it to remedy any damage at its cost as soon as practicable and to the reasonable satisfaction of the property owner. 5.8 HISTORIC HERITAGE EFFECTS An assessment of the potential effects of the Waihi North Project on historic heritage values is provided in Clough (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. Given the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel will be constructed entirely underground, with no surface expressions, Clough 2022 did not identify any historic heritage values to be affected or potentially affected by the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel. Clough (2022) considers the effects of the activity have been adequately managed through the project design and no additional measures to remedy or mitigate effects are required. It is noted that, while Clough (2022) has not identified archaeological or historic heritage values within the project area that would be affected by the proposed works, OGNZL will implement an accidental discovery protocol across all Waihi North Project sites. 5.9 EFFECTS FROM THE STORAGE AND USE OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES A low volume of hazardous substances will be stored and used during the construction of the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel. These substances will be managed in accordance with the existing controls that apply to the storage and use of hazardous substances by OGNZL as part of its existing operations in Waihi. The hazardous substances will be delivered to the tunnel face via Willows Road and Favona Portals. These measures will ensure that any potential risks associated with the use and storage of hazardous substances are minimised.