B-3 – Area 3 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 24 5. ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS 5.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter of this sub-AEE contains an assessment of the actual and potential effects of allowing the establishment and operation of the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel. The nature of the activity means most activities are subsurface, with the only surface manifestation being the WUG Portal at the Waihi SFA. In that context this chapter addresses: Geotechnical matters; Geochemistry; Ground and surface water; Settlement; Noise; Blasting and vibration; Historic heritage; and The storage and use of hazardous substances. For each it describes the key findings of the various technical assessments OGNZL has commissioned to address these matters and the additional mitigation measures they consider necessary to ensure the effects of the proposed activities are avoided, remedied, mitigated or offset. It does not address effects on cultural values. They are addressed in Chapter 5 of the Overarching AEE. Nor does it address economic effects and social effects. These are common to the whole project and addressed in Chapter 6 of the Overarching AEE. 5.2 GEOTECHNICAL MATTERS An assessment of geotechnical matters in relation to the tunneling and underground mining components of the Waihi North Project is provided in WSP (2022b), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. The geotechnical study in relation to the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel within WSP (2022b) is based on regional geological information, exploration drilling near the proposed alignment and geotechnical investigations carried out near the Waihi SFA site.