B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 20 Figure 12: Conceptual model of Wharekirauponga hydrology, including small springs in tributary headwaters. Surface water gauging has been undertaken in the Wharekirauponga catchment for several years at the long term gauging stations shown in Figure 11. A summary of the median flows measured over that period at those flow gauging stations is provided in Table 1. They show the catchment is relatively flashy in response to rainfall, and that there can be an order of magnitude change in the catchment flow rates seasonally. Table 1: Surface water flows (l/s) measured at key points in the Wharekirauponga stream catchment. Table shows actual flows measured between Jan 2019 and May 2021 and long term median flows based on all monitoring data (GHD 2022). Location Jan - 19 Jun - 19 Sep - 19 Jan - 20 May - 20 Aug - 20 Dec - 20 May - 21 Median T Stream West 44.3 60.8 252.9 28.8 23.6 144.0 56.4 50.5 69 WKP3 79.6 85.8 424.5 52.5 36.9 267.0 95.3 83.5 80 WKP2 145.9 90.5 426.2 69.7 48.6 Not measured 120.9 104.7 90 WKP1 Not measured Not measured Not measured 90.8 68.2 Not measured 164.0 142.2 100