Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-3 – Area 3 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 23 Activity Relevant Rules Comment Discretionary activity under Rule areas (using grouting etc) or drained into the mine workings, where it will either be recycled for drilling purposes or diverted to the WTP for treatment. Intercepted groundwater may include water with a temperature that exceeds 30oC, which means such groundwater will also be classified as geothermal water. However, this water does not originate in a discrete ‘geothermal system’1. It is heated by the earth's natural geothermal gradient (being a 25°C increase per 1 km in depth). Therefore, the rules in Chapter 7 of the Waikato Regional Plan, which apply to the take of water from geothermal systems, do not apply. Discharges to land and water (RMA s15(1)(a) and (b) consents) To discharge contaminants to land and groundwater when sealing tunnels and shafts with grout or shotcrete. Discretionary activity under Rule Discretionary activity under Rule The progressive sealing of the tunnel with grout or shotcrete to manage water ingress will require the discharge of contaminants to land and groundwater. To discharge contaminants to land and groundwater associated with the underground storage, use and backfilling of overburden containing potential acid forming material. Discretionary activity under Rule Discretionary activity under Rule Overburden material (including PAF material) will be stockpiled underground in various areas along the tunnel alignment. It will also be used as backfill during rehabilitation. The overburden will contain PAF material and therefore does not meet the conditions of Rule or 1 Geothermal System: An individual body of geothermal energy and water not believed to be hydrologically connected to any other. The system includes material containing heat or energy surrounding any geothermal water, and all plants, animals and other characteristics dependent on the body of geothermal energy and water.