B-3 – Area 3 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 22 distance between the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel and any actual or potential source of contamination within previously disturbed ground, it is not considered that the NESCS is triggered in these circumstances. 4.2 WAIKATO REGIONAL COUNCIL The permitted activity rules and resource consents required to authorise activities relating to the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel are set out in Table 2, below. They include: A s9 resource consent to undertake drilling below the water table; A s14 resource consent to authorise the localised diversion and dewatering of groundwater around the access tunnel; and Various s15 resource consents associated with the discharge of materials to land and water within the tunnel, including grouting materials used to seal the tunnel and manage water ingress, and the storage and disposal of overburden. Note: a single s9, s14 and s15 resource consent is sought to cover these activities for all underground elements of the project. There may be some discharges to air when the WUG portal is being constructed. This is within Area 5 and is covered by the discharge to air permit sought to cover that area. No vent shafts are proposed within Area 3 which would discharge to air. Table 2: Activity status of the resource consents required to establish and operate the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel (Area 3). Activity Relevant Rules Comment The Use of Land (RMA s9(2)) To drill below the water table to establish underground tunnels, portals and mines using a drill and blast technique. Discretionary activity under Rule The tunnels will be established using the drill and blast technique. To drill holes below the water table to establish and operate piezometers. Discretionary activity under Rule Various piezometers will be installed for monitoring purposes. To take, use, dam and divert water (RMA s14 consents) To take and divert groundwater intercepted during tunnelling and stoping activities. Discretionary activity under Rule Groundwater will be intercepted during tunnelling activities. It may be diverted around active working