B-3 – Area 3 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 20 4. RESOURCE CONSENTS REQUIRED OGNZL is seeking all necessary resource consents from the Hauraki District Council (“HDC”) and Waikato Regional Council (“WRC”) for all construction, operation, maintenance and rehabilitation activities associated with the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel (activities occurring within Area 3). 4.1 HAURAKI DISTRICT COUNCIL The activity status of the land use consents required for the construction, operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel (activities occurring within Area 3), is set out in Table 1 below. The most restrictive activity status is non-complying. Table 1: Activity status of land use consents required for the works associated with the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel (Area 3). Activity Relevant rules and activity status Comment Mining operations and underground mining associated with the construction and operation of the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel, including the establishment and use of monitoring equipment, including piezometers. Discretionary activity under Rule Discretionary activity under Rule (D3). Non-complying activity under Rule (NC1). Discretionary activity under Rule (D4). Non-complying activity under Rule (NC1). The construction and operation of the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel would fall under the definition of both mining operations and underground mining. Within the Rural Zone, underground mining and mining operations is a discretionary activity. Within the Reserve (Passive) Zone, underground mining is a discretionary activity, while mining operations is a non-complying activity. Within the Residential Zone, underground mining is a discretionary activity, while mining operations is a non-complying activity. The storage, use and disposal of hazardous substances within Area 3 Non-complying activity under rule 7.7.10(1)(a) and rule 7.7.10(1)(b). Establishing the underground tunnel will involve the use of hazardous substances (including explosives). The grout and shotcrete that will be used to seal