B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 18 Figure 10: Wharekirauponga Surface Water Catchment Area (facing southwest) Numerous tributaries report to the Wharekirauponga Stream, including the Edmonds, Adams and Thompson Streams and multiple un-named streams (see Figure 11). The watercourses listed below traverse Area 1. They are included in the WRP “Natural State Water Class”, for “…outstanding waterbodies and important habitats because they are unmodified or substantially unmodified by human intervention”: Mataura Stream Waiharakeke Stream Thompson Stream Edmonds Stream Teawaotemutu Stream Adams Stream Wharekirauponga Stream The Wharekirauponga Stream catchment receives approximately 2.17 m/year rainfall and the average daily rainfall volume reporting to the catchment is in the order of 89,178 m3/d. Much of the rainfall within the Wharekirauponga catchment is absorbed by the soil Regolith that has formed on the rock surface, and it is drainage of this water over time that sustains the surface water flow. When these soils are saturated rainfall run-off occurs increasing flows in the streams. Under dry conditions little shallow soil drainage occurs and baseflow to the streams is supported by a small amount of groundwater discharge, mainly at its headwaters (see Figure 12). A small warm spring also discharges at 3.5 L/s