Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 15 2.4.5 Landscape Context The landscape values attributed to Area 1 are described in Boffa Miskell (2022) a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. Boffa Miskell (2022) identify the area as being within an ONL and a high value landscape that is particularly sensitive to change, describing the ONL setting as: “…steep and deeply incised landforms and peaks cloaked in native forest which form the backdrop of views from vast areas to the east. The landform’s volcanic origin and almost complete native forest cover remain clearly legible and the resultant ranges contain a vivid, wild and remote quality”. Boffa Miskell (2022) describe the visual catchment of the CFP as a: “broader mountain backdrop… the steep and folded topography typically results in a fragmented visual catchment where the landform often obscures visibility from lower elevations and gullies and prevents potential for wider views”. The dense native forest restricts views to and from Te Wharekirauponga Track (Figure 7). Figure 7: Te Wharekirauponga Track view (Boffa Miskell 2022). 2.4.6 Road Parcels Figure 6 above shows the various ‘road parcels’ within Area 1. These are unformed ‘paper’ roads. The paper roads are owned by HDC and facilitate foot traffic into the Wharekirauponga Valley, as discussed below with respect to recreational values. 2.4.7 Geology The geology underlying Area 1 is described in WSP (2022b) and GWS (2022), copies of which are provided in Part H of these application documents.