Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 135 Indigenous Biodiversity and Significant Natural Areas The objectives and associated policies in Section 6.2 of the HDP seek the following outcomes: the protection of significant natural areas for the purpose of maintaining and enhancing their intrinsic, cultural and amenity values;252 the maintenance and enhancement of the life-supporting capacity of ecosystems, the mauri of natural resources and the extent and representativeness of indigenous biodiversity; and253 the promotion of greater public awareness, support for and involvement in the protection and enhancement of significant indigenous vegetation and significant habitats of indigenous fauna.254 Of particular note with respect to these provisions: The primary effect within Area 2 on indigenous biodiversity is the loss of low value vegetation (2,500m2) and potential fauna habitats. OGNZL propose to revegetate approximately 56,600m2 of the available riparian areas for ecological and landscape mitigation and enhancement purposes;255 The removal of up to 390m of Unnamed Tributary 2 will be offset with enhancement work proposed to Tributary 3. The offsetting calculations are conservative however, as they are based on a permanent loss of stream length. On closure of the WRS (within ten years), Unnamed Tributary 2 will be reinstated and enhanced with greater ecological values than currently attributable to the tributary;256 and Activities within Area 2 do not encroach in the SNA of Coromandel Forest Park; 257 While no works are proposed within the nearby Coromandel Forest Park (in relation to Area 2), the offsetting associated with various activities within Area 2 will assist with the enhancement of the intrinsic, cultural and amenity values of Coromandel Forest Park, by providing extensive replanting along the perimeters of this area and providing connectivity between currently isolated areas of indigenous flora and habitats of indigenous fauna located near, but not currently contiguous with Coromandel Forest Park. 258 The offsetting will also ensure that the life supporting capacity of ecosystems present within Area 2 and 252 Objective 1, Section 6.2, Hauraki District Plan. 253 Objective 2, Section 6.2, Hauraki District Plan. 254 Objective 3, Section 6.2, Hauraki District Plan. 255 Objective 2, Section 6.2, Hauraki District Plan. 256 Objective 2, Section 6.2, Hauraki District Plan. 257 Objective 1, Section 6.2, Hauraki District Plan. 258 Objective 1, Section 6.2, Hauraki District Plan.