B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 134 When evaluating the above provisions, of particular note with respect to the activities occurring within Area 2, are the following: the policy framework for the Rural Zone anticipates mineral extraction and associated activities (such as those proposed within Area 2), subject to appropriate management of effects;246 the activities associated with Area 2 are compatible with established and lawful rural production activities and will not give rise to reverse sensitivity effects;247 the portion of Area 2 that is not part of the biodiversity offsetting programme will be reverted to pasture post closure of the Willows SFA. While it is proposed that this land will revert back to future pastoral land use, as per the current activities on-site, the Rehabilitation and Closure Plan will require this area to be appropriately remediated to ensure any potential adverse effects to health are unlikely;248 the activities proposed within Area 2 are not considered inappropriate within the surrounding modified rural environment and have been configured to ensure no significant adverse effects on landscape values, natural character and visual amenity;249 the amenity values of nearby sensitive receivers (including residents) is discussed with respect to noise, landscape values, air quality, vibration, and lighting, in Sections 5.3, 5.2, 5.5, 5.4, and 5.6 of this AEE. The mitigation measures described with respect to each section are designed to ensure the adverse effects on amenity values are appropriately avoided, remedied or mitigated;250 and Section 5.8 discusses the natural hazard risks for Area 2. As set out in this section, the natural hazard risk associated with Area 2 is reasonably low, with the site being largely positioned on an elevated river terrace, above the Mataura Stream.251 Overall, the activities proposed within Area 2 will not restrict or prevent range of rural land use activities to be undertaken surrounding the site. They will not affect the open rural landscape character of the zone, and adverse effects of the activity on the environment or on the amenities of neighbours will be avoided, remedied or mitigated while providing for the utilisation of an identified mineral resource. 246 Policy (3)(a)(i) to (iv), Section 5.1.2 Hauraki District Plan. 247 Policy (1)(a)(iv), Section 5.1.2 Hauraki District Plan. 248 Policy (1)(a)(i) and (ii), Section 5.1.2 Hauraki District Plan. 249 Policy (1)(a)(iii) and Policy (2)(a)(i), Section 5.1.2 Hauraki District Plan. 250 Objective 4, Section 5.1.2, Hauraki District Plan. 251 Policy (4)(a)(iv), Section 5.1.2 Hauraki District Plan.