B-2 – Area 2 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 129 allowed to occur. In that context, it seeks that these discharges be undertaken in a manner that: does not contaminate soil to levels that present significant risks to human health or the wider environment;211 does not have adverse effects on aquatic habitats, surface water quality or ground water quality that are inconsistent with the Water Management objectives in Section 3.1.2;212 does not have adverse effects related to particulate matter, odour or hazardous substances that are inconsistent with the Air Quality objectives in Section 6.1.2;213 is not inconsistent with the objectives in Section 5.1.2;214 and avoids significant adverse effects, and remedies or mitigates cumulative adverse effects, on the relationship that tangata whenua as kaitiaki have with their taonga such as ancestral lands, water and waahi tapu.215 Policy 2 of Section 5.2.3 follows a similar theme as the objective and seeks that discharges of contaminants to land be undertaken in a manner that avoids, where practicable, adverse effects on a range of values. Where the avoidance of adverse effects is not possible, the policy seeks that they be remedied or mitigated. Of particular note with respect to discharges to land within Area 2: Discharges to land are necessary to manage potential effects of undertaking activities in high risk erosion areas. Specifically, the discharge of water to land within the sediment retention ponds will ensure that the effects of sedimentation within waterbodies is appropriately managed. 216 The WRS comprises the discharge of overburden to land. A spoil management strategy will be put in place to reduce the potential contamination effects of PAF spoil (associated with the WRS) on water and land. Furthermore, GWS (2022) conclude that such activities will not change the overall quality of the aquifer due to the limited contact area relative to the system throughflow; 217 As described in Section 5.10 of this AEE, seepage from WRS will also be intercepted by sub-surface drains and a collection pond and will be pumped to the WTP for 211 Objective 5.2.2(a), Section 5.5, Waikato Regional Plan. 212 Objective 5.2.2(b), Section 5.5, Waikato Regional Plan. 213 Objective 5.2.2(c), Section 5.5, Waikato Regional Plan. 214 Objective 5.2.2(d), Section 5.5, Waikato Regional Plan. 215 Objective 5.2.2(e) and (f), Section 5.5, Waikato Regional Plan. 216 Objective 5.2.2(d) and Policy 2(b), Section 5.2, Waikato Regional Plan. 217 Objective 5.2.2(a) and (b), Section 5.2, Waikato Regional Plan.